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Thursday, January 25, 2024

Donald Trump continues to dominate GOP race


Donald Trump at a rally in South Carolina in 2018. (Gage Skidmore/State of Florida)

Former U.S. President Donald Trump continues to dominate in the 2024 U.S. Presidential race, even though he faces numerous indictments in state and federal court.

He beat opponent Nikki Haley in New Hampshire's primaries in late January 2024. And he forced out Ron DeSantis, the Governor of Florida, in the Iowa causese that preceded the race in New Hampshire.

Donald Trump at a rally in West Palm Beach, Fla. in 2023. (Gage Skdmore)

Trump will take his act next to South Carolina, where a good showing will probably force Haley out of the race.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

My five favorite websites

I have always enjoyed a robust online experience, specifically when it involves a site that includes rich multimedia. But there are five websites which I have a really high regard for, with regards to multimedia. First, the New York Times has always been a go-to for me. This venerable newspaper continues to offer great writing and reporting, but its photos and videos are without compare. Their photographers and videographers are first-rate visual journalist. 

ESPN is sort of like the New York Times in reverse. You think first of the brilliant broadcast sports coverage that this network offers. But their website features great writing from reporters like former New York Times editor Don Van Natta and others. So this is my second choice for favorite websites. 

WBEZ is another great website which offers a rich multimedia experience. WBEZ is first and foremost a great radio outlet. But its website offers some compelling interactive graphics which sets it apart from other news organizations in Chicago.

The Chicago Tribune is also a multimedia rich website. I also enjoy reading The Source for music news and multimedia.
