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Friday, September 30, 2011
It's Just One of Them Thangs
You should know that I've been many an ex-boyfriend and even an ex-husband, but I've been me. I'm not a player, nor do I have player qualities. I guess it will take the earth to move before it's noticed how good I am, or can be.
You know what's the hardest thing about The Rules of Attraction???... being attracted to someone and they have someone already. How do you act around this person once you've revealed your feelings to them and you've just been faced with..."I'm seeing someone"? Boy life is Just One of Them Thangs.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Children Are The Future
My Block and etc.
Take a ride with me
Stops of life
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Beyond Annoyed

The reason I chose this picture was because of the wound on his head and the look on his face. I'm a morbid person and the wound caught my attention. The reason I chose black and white was because of the seriousness of the matter. Black and white photos seem to speak louder than color photos at times, especially when a an act of violence has occurred. The reason I chose the all red colorization was to just be kinda silly. It made me think of a zombie movie, or an old movie that would switch from regular color to a deep red when something extreme was about to happen.
A Work Of Art
Back To School
Masters of Ceremony pics

Deja vu
Encouragement and Empowerment!

I chose the photo entitled School because, I can identify with it. I have three beautiful children all whom go to school, I hug them when I drop them off and pick them up from school. When a parent hugs their child, it gives that child encouragement to succeed in class, and make their parents proud. Love from a parent is a great natural source of motivation to that child. When a parent shows interest in their child, and gives them love, and encouragement the child won't go looking for it in negative places. This picture was quite warm, loving, and nurturing to me.
Chicago Theater Sign

I picked this picture because this is the old chicago theater in the city of chicago. And a lot of things were going on doing that time. I put the picture in black and white because it reminds me of the Chicago gangster
John Dillinger who was killed at this same location a very long time ago .John Dillinger was set up by his girl who he was with doing that time .
The Color was very good to see when you are away from Chicago theater . And it always been in color that i no of . to me it really let you no that you are at the theater . with your family . and it do have a lots of color on it . you will see red and black green . AND white color bas .
Lost And Waiting

The reason I picked this picture is because of the power message that it sends to a community, and to the many people who witness this scene in our community everyday. The reason I named this Picture, "Lost And Waiting" Is because to me it symbolizes the times in life when we are sometimes lost within ourselves, and even lost at times in our life. And just waiting on an answer. I made this picture black and white because of the content of this picture and the content of this man's color should not be an issue. It should reflect on the fact that this could be anyone of us or anyone of our love ones, who our lost and waiting.
Kennedy Ndidi

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The Man of Pain

Look at the pain in this face. The scar, the way his eyes are cut to show the pure disgust in the recent events of the flash mobbing. How could mere teenagers cause such pain and destruction. The pain showed in this picture is one of the reasons why I chose it. There was so much depth in his face. As if you can feel what he was going through. I used the effects I did because it enhanced the scar to bring it out and put shadows under his eyes to bring out the pain in that as well.

Monday, September 12, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Anglo Saxon

we need a job
Is moderate drinking beneficial to your health?
Vick is Back
US Postal Service Crisis
Basketball Kid NBA Quest
"The Beams that secured the World" Chicago,IL had the honor to receive a few beams from the World Trade Center, That was attacked over ten years ago. The beams are a reminder of what this country stands for in the time of need. Honor,Courage, and Commitment is coined after the United States Navy, and this is near and dear to me because when the World Trade Center was attacked in 2001, My ship the USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71,where I spent eleven years of my life stationed in Norfolk.Va had the chance to go out and fight for freedom and democracy around the world. The USS Theodore Roosevelt,along with it's battle group, was the first ship to spring into action and start the first fight on the war against terrorism. The day that we were attacked, a part of our lives were also taken away with the lives that were lost. Over 3,000 lives are gone and in the hearts of millions they will never be forgotten. So these beams that will be constructed throughout our great city,will be a reminder of the strong foundation we all hold near and dear in each of our lives as well as the lost lives of every other soilder and civilian who has lost their lives for this great country. |
Mothers killing babies?
Tropical Storms
Cramer on Netflix Price Hike [NBC 7-14-2011]
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Superman Movie Hurts Chicago Traffic
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Curfew Enforcement Good or Bad Idea...You Decide
Product Of Slavery
An Undesired Goodnight Moon
my 2 top multi-media videos of 2010
Product Of Slavery
The Clock is ticking
Revolving Door
A Life Pretty Full of Love
The Hill Farmer
Prop 19 New leaf video and Katrina 5 yrs later
Proposition 19-the New Leaf video "" “khundcharcha” does not waste any time, and starts with bold statement: “Welcome to Failed State of California” and informs viewers about $19 billion deficit and $69 billion debt, financial crisis in the health care, education, correction and infrastructure sectors. However, before viewers start to worry, the perfect solution emerges- the proposition 19. On November 2nd voters’ approval of the proposition 19 can solve together money, jobs, and social rights problems. But what is this proposition 19? Mystery solved: legalization of sales, taxation and regulation of cannabis-California’s already largest cash caw, which already generates $15 billion a year. By approving this proposition California can gain $1.4 billion in tax revenue, expands economy of $16-$23 billion, and create 100,000+ jobs. How can it be done? Easy. Production, sales and use of cannabis should be treated like alcohol regulations, but final rules would be done by each county, not by the state. Passing proposition 19 would solve California’s crime problems by taking money from drug cartels pockets and giving it to the state instead. Smart. Voters should not worry that use of marihuana increase, because it would regulate amounts that are already on market. One more time, voters need to pass proposition 19, and we all can live happily ever after.
The video, which is 2:34 min long, is very well done, funny and clever. The creator uses cartoons to make it appear friendlier. Who does not like cartoons, especially funny ones? Instead of people, cute animal characters are used; therefore entire idea appears more family oriented. This video is definitely not informative, but of persuasive nature. The main goal is to encourage people to vote yes. It does not show pros and cons, but pros only, but does it very well. Definitely well made.
Five years later: Hurricane Katrina:// . Uses still pictures and audio excerpts from the television outlets at the time of the storm. Even after 5 years the fear is easily captured by the photos and background music. The return to the 9th ward piece uses live interviews of the aftermath as an effective storytelling tool. The rebuilding of the levees uses words on screen and maps to complete a very informative site about the after effects of oe of the biggest storms in history.
An Undesired Goodnight Moon
The scene from Kathy Osterman Beach (Allan Scott Walker) For over 100 years, the Edgewater neighborhood in Chicago has been one of t...
Malcolm X continues to influence civil rights activists throughout the world . Malcolm, who adopted the Islamic religion while in prison, ...
Let me give you a little back story. I attended the Cincinnati Music Fest this past July. While we were there, we attended some parties, (...