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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Edward Steave....My life in HD!!!!!!!!

My name is Edward Steave and this is a short video about my life. I am a 32 year old student at Kennedy King College. In this video, you will learn about my goals, my family, my background and my beliefs. In life, we search for that one thing that we love to do-- the one thing that we would do for free although we would love to make our career.
Some people in my class were saying "You're doing too much" or "It's not that serious", but I don't think they understand that I was doing something that I love to do. This is a craft that has to be practiced and perfected, so every time I get a chance to practice with this software, I want to take my skills to another level. To any of my fellow students, I apologize if my zeal for this came across as arrogant--that was not my intention at all. I just want to better my craft in editing and final cut. Peace and love

1 comment:

  1. That was good...regardless of length the production values and effort were good IMO...Keep doin' your thing!

