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Saturday, October 30, 2010
Terrorist! Attack! Still On A Rise!
Do you feel safe considering that we just had 9/11..
This is very Horrid but very intresting because this to me shows we have some very sick minded but yet higly intellegent minds around the world.,CST-NWS-terror02.article
Todd Walker
Does it Matter to You if a Mosque is Built Near Ground Zero?
El-Gamal is the manager of a real estate partnership that controls the property on which the Islamic center would be built he says there are no no plans to move the project and "I am calling the shots."
Hisham Elzanaty is a key financial backer of the Islamic center near Ground Zero. He paid $4.8 million last year for the vacant clothing store that is to be torn down and replaced by a cultural center and mosque.
Elzanaty's tax records show he gave donations to organization which were labeled as terrorist by President Clinton in 1995.
Some people argue that it would be a violation to the First Amendment if the Muslims are not allowed to build their Mosque near Ground Zero.
According to, Muslim international leader Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal called for relocating the mosque in respect of the memory of those killed on Sept. 11, 2001.
Would it be unsafe to allow the Muslims so much freedom especially when it comes to building the House of Cordoba?
Levilyn Chriss
Pumpkins, Costumes, Candy--Halloween!
Halloween's origin date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. Halloween, celebrated annually on October 31, is a mix of ancient Celtic practices, Catholic and Roman religious rituals and European folk traditions that blended together over time to create the holiday we know today.
Its name, a short form of “All Hollows Even (Evening),” originated in Scotland during the 16th Century. In 1927, the phrase, “Trick or Treat,” surfaced in Alberta, Canada. Young children in North America would perform a song or rhyme, and were rewarded with a treat. During the 1930s, this practice was adopted throughout the United States.
The idea of the Jack O Lantern was brought to the U.S. from Ireland. The practice originated from an Irish myth about a man nicknamed "Stingy Jack." In short, he was allowed into neither Heaven, nor hell when he died. He was sent off into the dark night with only a burning coal to light his way. Jack put the coal into a carved-out turnip and has been roaming the Earth with ever since.
So now that you no what the media’s raving about, carve out a lantern, grab a goody bag (or two), and yell “Trick or Treat,” until you’ve had enough. Then post pictures letting me know how you celebrated! Here is a small treat for you.
JoAnna Matthews
Mama wants you to Vote 11/2 at
The Trouble With Community Colleges

Lets do it again. Rock the Vote!!!

Make your vote count this Tuesday November 2, 2010 is Election day for Chicago. Let's do it again, Get out and ROCK the VOTE. Now we have seen what happens when we all work together. Prime example, Our President OBAMA.
Chicago's Edgewater neighborhood: The walking tour
There's more information about this fantastic neighborhood on the Edgewater Community Council's website.
Meantime, here's is an interactive map (below) with a walking tour of some better-known destinations in the Edgewater community. Click on the link below the map to make the image larger, then click on the icons along the tour for photos, videos and more information about some of these Edgewater destinations:
View Landmarks' in Chicago's Edgewater neighborhood in a larger map
John Owens
Friday, October 29, 2010
Jesse Jackson Jr.: Stalled Political Career?
One scandal was the revelation that Jackson had an inappropriate relationship with a Washington, D.C. restaurant hostess, Giovana Huidobro. He has admitted to the relationship and says that it is a private matter that he and his wife Sandy have dealt with privately. I agree that it is a private matter, and it doesn’t sway me either way on how I would vote. But I have actually heard some people, particularly some African-American female journalists, are not happy at his choice of mistress- that is, a young, blonde, Non-African-American mistress! In some folks’ eyes, this is enough of a reason to sway their vote. “He could have at LEAST chosen a SISTAH!” Not right, especially in 2010, but it has been spoken by some.
The bigger scandal for me was Jackson’s “clarification” of his involvement at a meeting that included two Indian fundraisers who discussed raising $1 million in campaign money for Rod Blogojevich. Jackson admits being at the meeting, but claimed that the discussion about fundraising was mostly “in Hindu”, and that he didn’t understand what they were discussing. The fundraisers testified in the Blago trial that, later on the day of the meeting, they met with Blogojevich’s brother and told him that they would raise the $1 million if Jackson was appointed the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama. Come on, Jesse! I know I’m not the only one that thinks you look very bad on this one. Being at a meeting where money and terms are discussed about your political future and claiming to not be part of that discussion is very weak.
It doesn’t surprise me anymore that politicians get caught up in mistress scandals or money scandals. But Jesse seemed to me to be mostly successful in keeping his nose clean. But now that he’s neck-deep in drama, he seems tainted enough to have done irreversible harm to his political career. I would be surprised if further attempts are not made to link him more strongly to the fundraising scheme, if not other scandals we don’t know about yet. And as long as these investigations are kept alive in the media, the voting public has more opportunity to think the worst of him. And I think he recognized his tarnished image when he bailed out of the mayoral race, although he said he did it because he “can’t raise enough campaign funds”. Let’s just hope for his sake that time will heal these painful political and personal wounds.
Jeff Kearney
- Fetid conditions in the overcrowded camps of over 1 million earthquake survivors is already a breeding ground.
- Abject poverty and poor water sources can cause the spread of the disease quickly
Neighboring country Dominican Republic had closed their borders on news of the outbreak and has slowly opened them under heavy surveillance.
Teaching the people to properly wash their hands, avoid using standing water to bathe and wash fruits and vegetables and provide soap and purification tablets, health authorities hope these measures will quell any furtherance of this contagion.
Barbara Redd
Montage consists of photos of Haitians sickened by the cholera epidemic, the bacteria and the areas it affects.Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Realtime Politics Hot October

Angela White
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Work your Braids at
Saturday, October 16, 2010
kanye wast - power the illuminati class is in session
Violence in Our Neighborhoods
Bridge Builders For The Soul
It’s the songs that they’ve sung
It’s the examples that they have set
Or the paths they have walked
It’s the words that they’ve preached,
"teached" or reached within your heart
Sometimes it’s the words that were not said
That helped get you over.
These are some of the people who have graced and influenced my life.
Barbara Redd
Whitney Houston on drugs doesn't predict her daughter future.
Shanna Williams
The Backstory: The Black Man's Journey from Slavery
I can hear the heartbeat...
JoAnna Matthews
Jason Moore
I have a typical fun, loving, caring, sometimes dysfunctional family LOL!!! We are having a great time...With all of our busy schedules its hard to get together but when we do....WATCH OUT WORLD!! LOL!!! Every one needs family time!!! When was the last time you and your family just let go all troubles and worries and enjoyed each other's company? Makes you think Huh? Enjoy!
Does Black America Have A Culture?
Curie Class of "90" Gettin it in!
Miguel Frost
2010 Interactive Media
Memories of Old Comiskey Park
The last game played there was 20 years ago last month, but it seems like yesterday that I would see the old place during my trips through the 35th St. L station. I Hope you all enjoy the memories as well!
Jeff Kearney
Kendra's Celebrity Look A Like...Mya
Kendra Crawford "The Afternoon Drive from 2-5 Fridays on 89.3 WKKC..The New Sound of Soul in Chicago
I hope everyone is well. I am a passionate advocate for the First Amendment. However, it seems sometimes we Americans are not allowed to exercise this right FULLY (especially STUDENTS). So I made this collage as a response to that sentiment and to provoke others to realize the importance in exercising this right, with the help of the late 80's early 90's popular controversial hip- hop groups of all time "Public Enemy." So join me, raise your fist proudly in the air, and SCREAM: "FIGHT THE POWER. YEAH BOYEEEE..........."
Qeshawnda "Shawn" Haynes
Saturday, October 9, 2010
OneTrueMedia is discriminating! LOL!!!
Michael Jackson/King of Pop
MLB My Tribute to America's favorite pastime: Baseball
shanna williams
Black America:: How Much Have We Progressed?
Just a reminder that we still have a way to go, (with all the violence in our neighborhoods-black on black crime, etc)
What Do You Think--How do you Feel?
Barbara Redd
Photo essay- Walking with Faith by MamaMia
I Gotta Cheat Today!
Jason Moore African American Celebrity Couples
Riding Public Transportation
Oh Yeah CTA Driver constantly take their own breaks while passengers too!
This is Pascha Rascoe telling the cta to get it together!!!
Stevie Wonder Tribute
It was fun going through all of the CD's I have and figuring out which song to attach to which album. It was hard, because there were a bunch on each one I liked, but I stuck mostly with the radio hits - except for "Creepin'", which I wanted to include just to remind people (or even let some know for the first time) that Stevie was the original composer and performer of the song, not another one of my favorites - Luther Vandross!
Does anyone else have any favorite Stevie songs I didn't include? What's your favorite album? And who else do you think comes close to standing the test of time like he does in the current era? Let's hear it!
Jeff Kearney
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Oh it's the Lights, Action, HOLLYWOOD! and QUIET ON THE SET! lol

Saturday, October 2, 2010
Angela D. The Next Oprah
Todd's Tribute To Fanatasia at
My Tribute To Khaishawn
Inspiring Rock, Jazz, and Gospel Drummers
Are there any other musicians in the class? What do you play and who inspired you? Let's hear it!
Jeff Kearney
Bishop Eddie Long: Only God can judge me!
Chicago Bulls All-Stars Past and Present
Hate Crimes Montage
The scene from Kathy Osterman Beach (Allan Scott Walker) For over 100 years, the Edgewater neighborhood in Chicago has been one of t...
Malcolm X continues to influence civil rights activists throughout the world . Malcolm, who adopted the Islamic religion while in prison, ...
Let me give you a little back story. I attended the Cincinnati Music Fest this past July. While we were there, we attended some parties, (...