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Saturday, October 9, 2010

OneTrueMedia is discriminating! LOL!!!

It seems that Pastor P and I are the only two able to post a montage from OneTrueMedia longer than a minute. I don't know what's going on with them but, in an effort to right this wrong, I will allow my fellow bloggers to access my account for OneTrueMedia. My email is and my password is june31986! This info is very dear to my heart and I trust you all to not abuse privileges. So to my creative minds out there, lets create without the ONE MINUTE LIMITS!!!!

Jason E. Moore

1 comment:

  1. You are right...I had to ditch OTM just for that fact!!! But it's cool, there's always Final Cut Pro, which I am blessed to have here at home, and lets me do ANYthing that I want in a slide show!!! I hope those that don't offer it take you up on your offer, though!

